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Welcome to NorthRidge

Maybe you’ve been in church your entire life or maybe you’re just now giving it a try for the first time. Whatever the case, consider this; NorthRidge is where you can fit in. Here, you can grow, serve and celebrate. You can hope and heal. You can lead and learn.


Wake the World Up to Jesus

Words are powerful. Words fashioned with influence and might… make you hear, make you see and make you feel. Words define the heart, ignite movements and sometimes… less is more. Learn about the heart of NorthRidge in just 16 Words.

Connect with us and Explore Our Ministries. 

Chosen Nights are back!

June 14 & June 21
Starts at 6p (doors open at 5:30p)

In April, we watched the
first four episodes of Season 4.

Join us as we screen the remaining episodes on the big screen!

For more information, go to