
Providing opportunities for women to connect and grow in faith at NorthRidge is a HUGE undertaking. This ministry thrives on volunteers between check-in, leading a group, running tech, or checking in little ones. If you’ve been considering joining this amazing team, wait no longer. There’s a spot for you!

CHECK-IN – Consider joining this team if you’re comfortable at a computer and can share a warm smile. You’ll meet new people and help women check in for Bible study using our church software. No worries; training is provided.

Schedule: Weekly during session
Additional Information: Arrive 20 minutes early and remain at the kiosk until all women have checked in.

 – Do you love helping people connect to God and others? Then, becoming a Group Facilitator may be the right fit for you! You’ll lead a discussion with 12-14 women on the given topics. You don’t have to be a Bible expert, but you should have a love for others and a desire to grow with them.

Schedule: Weekly during session
Additional Information: You must be a member of NorthRidge. You may come early for the leadership prayer meeting or stay a bit late to meet with group members as needed. There are occasional leadership meetings.

 – This team includes greeters and taking care of the food table. A greeter needs a general knowledge of the building and a welcoming personality to help women check-in, find their room, and navigate other areas of the church. And what’s a gathering without something for the taste buds?! This little touch of home needs helping hands to set up the tables, decorate, and keep the area clean for our guests.

Schedule: Weekly during session
Additional Information: Arrive 15-25 minutes early for set up and stay 15 minutes after session for clean up.

 – Our tech-savvy team of women provides video and sound during our group sessions. As part of this team, you’ll be responsible for video and sound during worship and teaching videos. This includes setting up projection equipment/soundboard, running PowerPoint, playing a DVD, and properly shutting the projection system. Training is provided.

Schedule: Weekly during session
Additional Information: Arrive 30 minutes early for worship set up and sound checks. Be available to be in the booth and run video teachings as needed.

KidsCo –Changing lives one Thursday at a time! We meet bi-weekly on Thursday mornings to have fun with little ones from 6 weeks old through Kindergarten while their moms build community and grow in their faith and motherhood in the MomCo. We play, have engaging lessons with RidgeKids, craft, sing, dance, and have a blast!

Time Commitment: 9:00-11:45a
Additional Information: Must have a background check.

Fill out the application HERE to get started!

For questions, Contact Us.

Would you like to serve in or learn more about one of these opportunities? Fill out the Volunteer Interest Form, and a team leader will get in touch with you.

Response to
Hurricane Helene

We are forming Disaster Relief Teams
in partnership with Samaritan's Purse.

If you're interested in joining
a team, let us know.